Spring Daffodil Memorial Grave Pot

Spring Daffodil Memorial Grave Pot

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Floral graveside bouquet with insert pot. Artificial flowers include daffodils, gypsophila, narcissus and folliage .

Full display including pot is approximately 32cm tall.

The pot is 13cm width (including lip) and 10cm in height. This can be used as free standing or as an insert.

A beautiful vibrant handmade Memorial grave pot  with no maintenance required.

 Each stem is individually glued into pot keeping them securely in place. All flowers are UV and weatherproof sprayed.


The full display is approximately H 40cm x W 30cm. The pot (without display) is W13cm (including lip) and H10cm . This is the standard size pot to fit headstone display space 


Contact me info@ferrycreations.co.uk to discuss flower/colour options